Wallcreeper bird scientific name is Tichodroma Muraria. This bird is distributed throughout the high mountains of the Eurasian continent.

The Wallcreeper is the only member of the genus Tichodroma.

Adult birds are 15.5-17cm long.

Wallcreeper birds weigh from 17-19g.

Their coat has a mix of black, red, white and gray.

The beak and legs of the Wallcreeper are black.

They usually live in mountainous areas with an altitude of 1,000-3,000m.

Wallcreeper birds often catch insects, spiders … on the cliffs.

They usually nest in rock holes.

Their nests are made of garbage and moss.

Females used to lay 4-5 eggs/brood.

Eggs usually hatch 19-20 days after incubation.

Both the male and the female take the responsibility of raising the chicks.

After 28-30 days, the chicks will separate from their parents.