Strange syndromes: Discover how unusual mutations in animals affect them

Mutations are a natural part of human evolution, and some of them can cause unique and strange physical attributes. Here are the 10 weirdest human mutations that have been recorded.

Humans Born with Tails Although humans have evolved from apes that don’t have tails, some people are born with tails. These tails are usually just extra skin that can be snipped off since they are rarely filled with bone and are never connected to brain activity that would make them useful appendages. In 2002, a boy in India was celebrated for being born with a 10-centimeter long tail because many believed he was a reincarnated Hindu god named Balaji.

Gigantism is a mutation that presents itself in humans through an overactive pituitary gland, producing too much human growth hormone. At first, it presents itself like a normal growth spurt, but noticeable changes start to occur. The hands and feet of people with this mutation start to become very large in adolescence, and the rest of their body continues to grow at a rapid rate. The tallest man in the world was Robert Wadlow, who reached the height of 8 feet and 11 inches.

Ectrodactyly, also known as lobster claw syndrome, causes the hands and/or feet to become split and claw-like. It’s a mutation that usually develops due to genetics passed down through the family, but if only one of the limbs is affected, then it was most likely the occurrence of a newly mutated gene. It is estimated that one out of 18,000 children born are afflicted with ectrodactyly.

Hypertrichosis, specifically congenital hypertrichosis Lonnegan osa, causes hair to coat the body and face almost completely. There are fewer than 100 cases reported worldwide, and the condition doesn’t affect a certain race or gender but does make its appearance at birth. With the help of laser

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