The Goddess-Like Beauty of a Mother Carrying 5 Children, Overwhelmed with Joy upon Reunion after 3 Years

Despite the danger to herself, this mother is still determined to keep her children and receive satisfactory results.

The mother carrying 5 children in her belly is as beautiful as a goddess, looking at her children after 3 years is overwhelming -1

In early 2016, mother Kim Tucci’s special birth of quintuplets in the city of Pearth (Australia) attracted the attention of many people not only in this country but also around the world. 

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The 5 babies include 4 girls, Penelope, Beatrix, Allison, Tiffany, and the only boy, Keith.

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Ms. Kim Tucci (28 years old), mother of 5 children, previously had an older son with her previous husband. When she got married for the second time, she gave birth to 2 baby girls. The couple originally wanted to get pregnant a third time to give birth to another boy. 

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Kim did not expect her third pregnancy to turn into a completely natural quintuple pregnancy. According to experts, the rate of pregnancies like Kim’s is very small, only about 1/55 million cases worldwide. 

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To ensure the safety of mother and baby, the doctor advised Kim to have at least 2 pregnancies. However, the young mother firmly refused and persistently kept all 5 children in her womb. 

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During her pregnancy, Kim had to go through many hardships. She once confided that she had to endure terrible back pain, go to the toilet 12 times a night and consume about 6,000 calories a day to nourish the 5 babies in her belly… 

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Because she was pregnant with multiples, Kim could only keep the children in her womb for up to 30 weeks. On January 8, 2016, she was hospitalized to give birth by cesarean section. The surgery took place quickly in just 2 minutes, all 5 babies were born healthy. 

A mother carrying 5 children in her belly is as beautiful as a goddess. Looking at her children after 3 years, she is overwhelmed - 8 Pregnancy and giving birth to 5 children is hard, but taking care of them is truly a big challenge for Kim and her husband. The young mother said that on average every week, she has to change up to 350 diapers, and feed each child 8 times a day.

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“I locked myself in the bathroom and cried for a long time. I couldn’t even adjust to life with 7 children under 5 years old, there were too many things to worry about,” Kim once shared. 

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Currently, Kim and his wife’s set of 5 are nearly 3 years old and she still diligently updates photos of her children on social networks . 

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The Kim family’s Surprised By Five Facebook page currently has 343,000 followers while the Instagram page also attracts more than 66,000 people. 

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Kim said that now the children have grown up so they are quite mischievous. Each child has developed their own personality, but all 5 are still especially close to each other and to their two older sisters. 

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This mother also said that her only son, Keith, sometimes feels a bit “pity” because there are too many girly toys like dolls in the house. Fortunately, the father of 7 children always pays special attention to the only “ally” in the house. 

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The two older sisters also know how to take care of and pay attention to the younger siblings. 

The mother carrying 5 children in her belly is as beautiful as a goddess. Looking at her children after 3 years, she is overwhelmed - 15

The moment 5 babies bath together is extremely adorable. 

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Boys seem taller than the rest of the girls. 

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The moment 5 babies with 5 milk bottles fall in love irresistibly. 

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The children are very methodically and thoughtfully cared for by Kim’s mother.

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Boys have different faces than girls. 

The mother carrying 5 children in her belly is as beautiful as a goddess. Looking at her children after 3 years, she is overwhelmed - 20

And each baby has a different hair color. 

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The children play together very closely. 

The mother carrying 5 children in her belly is as beautiful as a goddess, looking at her children after 3 years is overwhelming -22

Especially the four little girls who never left each other’s side. 

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Looking at the current image of the 5 babies makes everyone say “5 angels “. 

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Besides the Kim family, another completely natural pregnancy of quintuplets also surprised many people in 2016. These 5 girls are the children of Manita Singh, 25 years old, living in Chhattisgarh, eastern India,

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In history, there is an even more rare case recorded: Dionne’s quintuplets, born in May 1934 in Ontario, Canada. 

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At that time, five identical baby girls had attracted the attention of the media and public opinion for many years. 

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Another quintuplet birth was recorded in 1975 at Parkland hospital (Texas, USA). The babies were born at just 32 weeks, the first quintuplets in North America where all the babies survived. They all grew up healthy and are now parents of 15 children.

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And this is the quintuplets Miguel, Angel, Edward, Ashanti and Miranda, currently living in Lancaster city (USA). The babies were born in April 2007. 

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